25 May ISDF – International Symposium on the Diabetic Foot
International Symposium on the Diabetic Foot
Last May 25, the 8th International Symposium on the Diabetic Foot (ISDF) was held in the Hague, Holland. The symposium brought together the leading professionals and experts from different disciplines from all over the world with a view to exchanging knowledge about the care and treatment of patients with diabetic foot and lower extremity problems. The PolyHeal® Micro team took part at the ISDF, presenting the new negatively-charged microsphere technology to the most outstanding specialists in diabetic foot ulcers. A great opportunity to make contact with internationally-renowned specialists.
Poster Wound Healing; Adjunctive Therapy
Dr. Juan Pedro Sánchez Ríos presented the poster on “Wound healing: Adjunctive Therapy”, in which he shared his experience in two cases involving Negatively-Charged Microsphere (NCM) technology in patients with stagnant diabetic foot ulcers. The main conclusion of these two cases was: “The experience acquired demonstrates how the reactivation of diabetic foot ulcers (DFU) is possible, even in complex patients due to chronic lower limb ischaemia. With the use of NCM we have detected a substantial improvement in diabetic foot ulcers in patients who are likely candidates for amputation. Dr. Sánchez Ríos is the Manager of the Diabetic Foot Unit at the Hospital Universitario Fundación Alcorcón (HUFA). The 2019 global diabetic foot guidelines were presented, with Dr. Campillo also participating as an external reviewer together with the other experts who have been summarising and reviewing these guidelines for several years now.